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NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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Spotlight on the Partnership Seed Fund
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The IPP Office’s assistance with the Seed Fund proposal really helped get me thinking clearly about the work… I don’t think I could have done it without them. And even though we did not receive the funding from HQ, we’re using what we came up with to ‘tell our story’ as we pursue other funding possibilities.

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Dan Powell

Dan Powell, Goddard’s Lead Nanotechnologist

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The Innovative Partnerships Program* at NASA Headquarters established the Partnership Seed Fund in late FY06 with the following objectives:

  • To support NASA Mission Directorate program/project technology needs

  • To provide “bridge” funding to Centers in support of Mission Directorate programs

  • To promote partnerships and cost sharing with Mission Directorate programs and industry

  • Leverage resources with greater return on investment

The Seed Fund issued a call for one-year proposals that were scientifically/technically feasible with relevance and value to NASA Mission Directorate programs and that leveraged the strengths and capabilities of an external partner. Each of the ten NASA Centers could submit eight proposals.

Within the six-week timeframe of the call, Goddard’s IPP Office received fifty preliminary proposals, selected eight for submission to HQ, and worked closely with the Goddard principal investigators to develop the full proposals. We are pleased to announce that four of the eight Goddard proposals received funding in early FY07.

project title partner(s)
Development of a Continuous Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator and Integrated Control Electronics Lake Shore Cryotronics

Lockheed Martin ATC

Infusing Environmental Knowledge into Decision Support and Planning Tools for Exploration Mission Operations United Space Alliance
Large Focal Plane Technology for Simultaneous Imaging and Guiding Lockheed Martin
Teledyne Scientific
and Imaging
Conceptual Analytics
Lightweight, Cryostable, Low-Cost Mirrors for the Next Generation of Space Telescopes ITT Space Systems

Goddard’s IPP Offce is further enhancing the value of the Partnership Seed Fund. Active efforts to develop the partnerships identified in the four other proposals are underway. And the Office will be re-examining the more than forty preliminary proposals originally received, working with the principal investigators to more fully develop their ideas as mutually beneficial projects for partnership development and/or future Seed Fund opportunities.

* Link opens a new browser window.

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