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Introduction to the IPP Office

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Our Process: Proactive Partnership Building
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When NASA and external organizations partner for technology development, they reap many benefits:

  • Accelerated development of technology for missions/goals
  • Efficient use of resources, including laboratories, equipment, and personnel
  • Increased return on the investment in research and development (R&D)
  • Growth of commercial aerospace and other industries
  • More science and engineering breakthroughs
partnership development graph

Note: This “6-S for Partnership Development Success” process was described at the 2006 International Astronautical Congress in Valencia, Spain.

In order to create collaborations that maximize the partnership’s value for NASA as well as the partner, Goddard’s IPP Office utilizes the following process:

Solicit: We “harvest” the innovations (technologies) developed by and technical challenges (needs) facing Goddard innovators, understanding the full range of partnership opportunities.

Screen: We evaluate these technology/need opportunities, determining which are best positioned for partnership success and prioritizing accordingly.

Strategize: We develop a strategy for effectively and efficiently approaching the appropriate potential partners and communicating the relevant opportunities to them.

Seek: We implement the strategy, actively marketing the technology/need opportunities.

Secure: We facilitate discussions between potential partners and Goddard personnel, developing a partnership that meets the needs of all parties.

Succeed: We ensure the mutually beneficial partnership is successful, actively observing and promoting it.

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