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Looking Ahead to FY07
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As we enter 2007, we move forward eagerly within the context of several changes to the Innovative Partnerships Program:

  • New Director: Douglas A. Comstock assumed the leadership of the Innovative Partnerships Program at NASA Headquarters on October 30, 2006. Formerly the NASA comptroller, Mr. Comstock also has a technical background in aeronautics and astronautics, technology and policy, and mechanical engineering.

  • SBIR/STTR* Consolidation: The Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs have been restructured and consolidated to be more cost-efficient and ensure that outside technologies with benefits for space program missions are infused into NASA. Now part of the IPP Office, SBIR/STTR personnel will provide guidance for the technical aspects of proposals related to Goddard-based research.

  • Partnership Seed Fund: To further facilitate the infusion of non-NASA technology into the space program, the IPP established the Partnership Seed Fund in late FY06 to address barriers and initiate cost-shared, joint-development partnerships, providing “bridge funding” to enable larger partnerships and development efforts to occur.

Given these changes, Goddard’s IPP Office will direct our efforts in FY07 toward partnering with innovators in commercial, academic, and other government labs to develop NASA’s technology and capability portfolios. We will do this by:

  • Efficiently and effectively identifying new technologies and sources of technology that can benefit NASA missions

  • Engaging organizations that are qualified potential partners for NASA

  • Connecting with communities of innovators that complement Goddard’s capabilities

  • Bringing the parties together to identify and build productive collaborations

  • Leveraging NASA’s and our partners’ resources for the mutual benefit of all parties

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