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Meeting mutual needs and goals through Technology Transfer Agreements

The following table summarizes the technology transfer agreements signed in FY07. While these innovative agreements represent technologies and/or Goddard expertise being transferred to external organizations, most also include infusion-type benefits that will directly impact NASA needs—now or in the future.

Company/ Organization Goddard Technology
Partner Benefits
NASA Missions Impacted
BCG Wireless Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) Competitive advantage will be achieved through HHT’s capability in improving signal reception for radio frequency (RF) devices. NASA missions utilizing radiometers, telescopes, and satellites may benefit from enhanced RF capabilities.
BAE Systems SpaceWire Link and Switch BAE will achieve competitive advantage through building a new computer board with native SpaceWire Link and Switch functionality. In addition to reimbursement, NASA will be able to procure BAE’s new SpaceWire-based computer board at a lower cost than building similar technology in-house or retrofitting existing computers, benefiting many missions such as JWST.
Three separate agreements: E-City Nanotechnologies, American GFM, and Nanotailor Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT) manufacturing process The companies will be able to offer high-quality SWCNTs at a very competitive price, helping to support their growing businesses. In addition to royalty revenue, NASA can support mission needs with royalties received by the license and will be able to procure SWCNTs from the company for its own research at a low price.
Enduro Medical Technology Cable-Compliant Joint (CCJ) Mechanism With an expanded license, Enduro will be able to develop an Secure Ambulation Module (SAM) rehabilitation walker. While no specific missions are impacted, NASA can fund infusion efforts to equine version of its successful benefit future missions with royalties received from the license.
Emergent Space Technologies, Inc. Goddard’s Formation-Flying Test Bed GPS Test and Simulation Facility Emergent saves start-up and development costs by using NASA’s facilities rather than investing the large amount of capital required to develop comparable facilities. Facility usage fees paid will help maintain the facility to ensure availability for future NASA mission needs.
U.S. Department of Energy Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) engineering test unit The agreement allows for testing of BAT’s effectiveness in detecting Gamma-rays in homeland security applications. The agreement will support future proposals for work in optimizing the technology specifically for homeland security operations.
SEGMA, LLC KAELO Software Collaboration will be directed toward applying an intelligent robotic system to an automated corporate governance rating system, enabling SEGMA to use NASA expertise in building a business intelligence tool. In addition to reimbursement, NASA can apply lessons learned to the Exploration Technology Development Program, helping researchers understand the roles of autonomous systems on the Moon.

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