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Promoting technologies and partnerships through publications and media

2007 4 magazine covers

Goddard Tech Transfer News is published quarterly and features notable innovators, partnership news, awards, events, and more.

IPPO cafeteria table display

Table tents in the Goddard and Wallops cafeterias highlight technology and partnership news.

covers of Goddard View and Tech Briefs magazines

IPP Office stories often appear in publications such as Goddard View and NASA Tech Briefs.

Complementary to the training and NTR reporting efforts, the IPP Office has established high-quality, valuable publications and media to promote new technologies both within and beyond NASA, as well as to showcase the value and outcomes of new and ongoing partnerships. These publications and media take the form of:

  • Goddard Tech Transfer News, the IPP Office’s quarterly magazine, which showcases notable innovators, newly reported technologies, awards, events, and more

  • Table tents placed in the Goddard and Wallops cafeterias, highlighting the value of reporting technologies, facts about the technology transfer process, advice from innovators, and more

  • Regular articles appearing in Goddard View, highlighting recent partnerships and notable technologies, as well as the new NTR Quiz, which offers Goddard personnel insight into the facts behind Goddard’s technology transfer process

  • The IPP and OGA Web sites, offering information about key Goddard technologies, easily accessed and searchable by potential partners looking for innovations that meet their needs

  • Partnership success stories, available in print and on the IPP Web site, showcasing infusion and technology transfer partnerships

  • Press releases written by the IPP Office and issued by Goddard’s Public Affairs Office, which have gained national media coverage for Goddard technologies

  • Technology submissions to the monthly publication NASA Tech Briefs*

* Link opens a new browser window.

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