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The IPP Office and Goddard’s Office of Patent Counsel work together to ensure that the many innovations developed for the space program are appropriately protected from unauthorized use.

Patenting NASA’s novel, innovative, and useful IP allows for the generation of royalties through out-licensing to commercial entities. More importantly, however, it allows Goddard to offer its partners unique access to NASA’s cutting-edge technologies as well as the innovators who developed them.

In FY06, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued six patents for Goddard-developed technologies:

U.S. patent no. title
6,959,554* Passive Gas-Gap Heat Switch for Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator
6,963,993* Fail-Over File Transfer Process
6,966,820* High-Quality Optically Polished Aluminum Mirror and Process for Producing
6,990,436* Computing Frequency by Using Generalized Zero-Crossing Applied to Intrinsic Mode Functions
7,060,968* Method and Apparatus for Optical Encoding with Compressible Imaging
7,008,605* Method for Manufacturing High Quality Carbon Nanotubes

business people

Two types of patent applications can be filed with the USPTO: provisional and nonprovisional applications. A full, nonprovisional patent application is a relatively complicated document to prepare with a significant filing fee, while provisional applications are less complicated to prepare and give the applicant an additional year to file the full application without compromising its IP protection rights.

In FY06, Goddard’s Office of Patent Counsel filed 23 nonprovisional and 15 provisional patent applications. The resulting additions of IP-protected innovations to Goddard’s technology portfolio are as follows:

Nonprovisional Patent Applications

Conduit Purging Device and Method

Device, System, and Method for Miniaturized Radiation Spectrometer

Device, System, and Method for a Sensing Electrical Circuit

Gear Bearings

Hybrid Diversity Method Utilizing Adaptive Diversity Function

Interferometric Polarization Control

Method of Forming Pointed Structures

Modular Gear Bearings

Noise-Assisted Data Analysis, Method, System, and Program Product Therefor

Optical Source and Apparatus for Remote Sensing

Optical System for Inducing Focus Diversity

Solid-State Laser Gain Module

Stepping Flexures

System and Method of Self-Properties for an Autonomous and Automatic Computer Environment

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Pattern Matching in Procedure Development and Verification

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Flash Drive

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Developing and Maintaining Evolving Systems with Software Product Lines

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Generation and Verification of Policies in Autonomic Computing Systems

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Procedure Development and Verification

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Quiescence of Autonomic Systems

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Automata Learning in Generation of Scenario-Based Requirements in System Development

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Autonomic Safety Devices

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for Modeling, Specifying, and Deploying Policies in Autonomous and Autonomic Systems Using Agent-Oriented Software Engineering

Provisional Patent Applications

Adaptive Sensor Fleet (ASF)

Automated Infrared Image Damage Detection Algorithm with Quantitative Error Threshold

Broadband High Spurious-Suppression Microwave Waveguide Filter for Polarization-Preserving and Transformer

Design of a Lightweight, Low-Power Magnetometer Based on a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Mat

Monolithic Large Format Infrared Bolometer Arrays with Integrated Optically Reflective Backshorts

Multipurpose Fiber Injected Micro-Spherical Lidar System

Otoacoustic Protection in Biologically-Inspired Systems

Space Plasma Alleviation of Regolith Concentrations in Lunar Environments (SPARCLE)

Systems and Method for Delivery of Information

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