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Nona Minnifield Cheeks, Chief, Office of Technology Transfer, NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterA Focus on Value

As Chief of the Innovative Partnerships Program (IPP) Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, I am pleased to present this summary of our accomplishments for fiscal year 2006. Previously the Office of Technology Transfer, our office name reflects our alignment with the IPP’s goal of promoting and developing innovative technology partnerships among NASA, U.S. industry, and other sectors for the benefit of Agency programs and projects.

Forming partnerships that add value to NASA is essential for the success of the space program. These alliances allow NASA to achieve its space exploration, science, and other mission ambitions faster. Furthermore, by combining our resources with those of our partners, we can more efficiently realize our own goals as well as those of our partners.

The IPP Office also provides value to the Agency by transferring Goddard’s technology to external organizations, enabling the development of new applications and products that benefit their processes and their customers—including, in some cases, NASA—as well as the U.S. economy through new business development.

Albert Einstein said that one should strive not to be a success but rather to be of value. For the IPP Office, to add value to NASA is to be a success at achieving our goals. This report demonstrates how the IPP Office has brought value to our Agency, our innovators, our partners, our economy, and our community—that is to say, our successes.


Nona Minnifield Cheeks
Innovative Partnerships Program Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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