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Facilitating Cross-Center Collaboration
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Nanotechnology researchers at Goddard and NASA Ames Research Center in California have established a long-term relationship to make advancements that can be leveraged for the benefit of NASA’s missions and objectives. Pairing Ames’s expertise and capabilities in early-stage nanotechnology with Goddard’s systems and missions expertise and capabilities will greatly facilitate the strategic development of new technologies and systems. As noted by Harry Partridge, Chief of Ames’s Nanotechnology Branch, “Collaboration between the research Centers and the engineering Centers is essential to ensure that innovative technology makes it into NASA missions. The Ames-Goddard agreement makes that collaboration easier, enabling the Agency to reap the significant impacts of our nanotechnology innovations.” These developments will include multifunctional materials, sensors and detectors, scientific instruments, and radiation-tolerant nanoelectronics.

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