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In FY06, the IPP Office redesigned its quarterly publication—Goddard Tech Transfer News—which is distributed to civil servants and contractors at Goddard. The new magazine takes a targeted focus on:

  • Education: Readers are reminded of the requirement to file new technology reports (NTRs*). They also have the opportunity to increase their understanding of NASA’s technology transfer program through a quiz, brief summaries of IPP Office activities, and descriptions of newly signed partnerships and spinoff successes.

  • Innovator Recognition: Each issue provides an in-depth interview with a civil servant active in technology transfer. Lists of awards bestowed by NASA’s Inventions and Contributions Board and other organizations, NTRs, and patenting activities further recognize innovators’ achievements.

  • Research, Funding, and Publishing Opportunities: Calls for proposals and other funding opportunities from non–Mission and even non–NASA sources are listed, allowing Goddard innovators’ R&D to have a greater impact for the Agency and for the nation. Also included is information on submitting papers to relevant upcoming conferences.

* Link opens a new browser window.

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