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Goddard Technology Gets Patientes Up an Walking
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I think there’s a change in confidence and almost like a change in hope for someone who hasn’t been able to walk for a long time and—with the assistance of SAM—is actually able to get up and ambulate and propel themselves on their own.

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Anne Moore, Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant, Walter Reed Army Medical Center

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Bariatric patients in long-term acute facilities like ours are bedridden and have not used their legs for quite some time. Their legs cannot support their body weight. SAM helps us to help them strengthen their whole lower body. The technology has a lot of promise.

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Mark Castleberry, Director of Rehabilitation Services, Kindred Hospital

SAM technology being usedIn 2003, Enduro Medical Technology introduced the Secure Ambulation Module (SAM). Based on Goddard’s cable-compliant joint technology and compliant walker, SAM is a revolutionary rehabilitative device that enables patients to stand and ambulate without the aid of a physical therapist. The company made bold strides with this product during FY06:

  • Enduro donated a SAM unit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., to help rehabilitate military patients with spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries.

  • Kindred Hospital in Greensboro, North Carolina, is using SAM in its therapy for bariatric (extremely overweight) patients, who benefit from the device’s ability to help them support their body weight during exercise programs.

  • Enduro introduced a youth model called SAM-Y, which can be used within or outside the therapy setting.

2 images of SAM technology being used

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